Addy and Harley are really enjoying each other these days. Sometimes Addy more so than harley...Addy runs into Harley's room each morning, and although harley is doing her best to get away from Addy and to mommy, Addy says in this goo-goo baby voice, "You want me, don't you baby?" It's really pretty funny.
And here in the cabinet. This is the same cabinet we always left empty for Addy to play in. Now each time I go to the kitchen to cook I put her in front of her cabinet and she goes in.
and out, and in, and out...
Addy spread out her blanket in the cabinet and read Harley stories while Harley munched on some Cheerios.
Addy sometimes takes harley into her bedroom and plays with her, but this time she brought Harley out in her baby stroller. Harley was loving it while she was drinking out of her big girl cup.
This was when Harley was about 6 weeks old, she wasn't so crazy about being strolled around then...
And some days when I need to do something and harley's crying, Addy pulls her around in this little wagon and Harley aaaloves it too. Did I say Addy is the best little mama's helper in the world?
And these pics are of Addy dancing. She's so funny how serious she gets, but she she loves an audience to dance for. Sometimes she teaches me dances so we can perform for Daddy and Harley when he gets home from work.
And these pics are of Addy dancing. She's so funny how serious she gets, but she she loves an audience to dance for. Sometimes she teaches me dances so we can perform for Daddy and Harley when he gets home from work.