Sunday, April 6, 2008

Here is Harley is her cute little bum cloth diaper. Cloth diapering is still going well and is fairly easy. However, with harley's 1 year check-up today we came home with an antibiotic which invariably leads to an upset tummy, so we'll be using disposables for a time such as this :)
Here she is again with her cloth diaper and her bo0-boos from her shots which means glamorous bandaids, a favorite of Addy's.

We celebrated Harley's 1st birthday on Saturday with a small party and cupcakes. She enjoyed the chocolate cupcake but didn't go after it as much as we imagined she would.

but still made a pretty good mess...

Harley was trying to share her chocolate with Addy.

And since they didn't get to wear their Easter dresses on Easter because it was so cool, we got a quick shot of them last Sunday in the beautiful Spring weather.

Addy being such a mommy...