Stan and Addy working intently on the
Gingerbread House.
And the finished product...
Addy was "checking Harley's eyes to see if she could see better with these glasses."
Addy got a dollhouse for CHristmas this year.
Christmas morning...
Christmas Eve at Gran and Paw-Paw's in GA with Joseph and Jackson.
Stan read the Christmas story from the Bible to all of us. while in GA for CHristmas Eve.
Addy taking a swing at the pinata we made. The kids thought this was lots of fun and we had fun making it too.
This is at Alpine Church in Menlo, GA. My family has always gone to their live nativity scene at Christmas followed by looking for Christmas lights. I love this little church because it is so beautiful and was used in the civil war also. Lots of history.
Harley is getting around really well now. She's so much more content being mobile now too. It's so weird to leave the girls in Addy's room and them play together. I forgot what a moment of peace was like. Yet then again, now 2 children follow me to use the bathroom instead of one now.
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